About AFG

There are two things, Oliver has always been good with: people and money! As it happens, he now runs a very successful finance company providing advice and support for individuals and small businesses. His nose for money combined with his excellent people skills have made him what he is today and the AFG is pretty much a testimony to Oliver’s many talents.

His advice and services were in demand, even before he established the AFG. After receiving his diploma in finance, many of his friends became entrepreneurs and requested his advice and expertise. Soon, he was swamped with work and thought it best to officially set up a financial advisory service, and this is how the AFG was born.

Not surprisingly, the AFG soon got so busy, that Oliver had to employ staff and he was happy to hire some of his former college buddies. Jointly, they continue to grow and improve the AFG in an effort to continually improve the services provided to clients.

Combining his interest in finance with his passion for people, Oliver now works with individuals and small businesses, helping them to maximise their potential and grow and expand their services. Entrepreneurship is close to Oliver’s heart, as he has witnessed the conception, creation and development of countless excellent small businesses. As an entrepreneur, he is familiar with the challenges faced by self-starters, knows how to provide top support and strives to harness each and every client’s potential.

Leaving steady employment behind and opting instead for self-employment can be a scary prospect, however, thanks to his own experiences and his expertise in finance, Oliver is perfectly positioned to create solid structures for the growth of emerging enterprises. The world of finance and business can be somewhat daunting to non-experts, however, Oliver’s straight-talking, clear and result-driven approach have provided his clients with just precisely what they needed.

Entrepreneurs and small businesses can often be so busy with the everyday-running of their company, that financial planning and expansion take second place. By hiring the services of the AFG, these clients can continue to focus on providing top-quality services while leaving the financial development of their business in Oliver’s capable hands.

Oliver has always had a keen interest in local, national and world finance affairs and news. Throughout college and right up until the present day, Oliver has always kept up-to-date with the latest financial news from around the world.

With this website, Oliver provides a platform for discussion on finance, entrepreneurship, investment and all other related aspects. In an attempt to demystify and “de-jargonize” the world of finance to readers far and wide, Oliver publishes blog posts and articles about money and finance. The website provides readers with insightful, thought-provoking information while also educating them in financial affairs.

Of equal important is the creation of a community of self-starters, small businesses and finance experts in an effort to forge networking opportunities. Oliver has valued the advice and expertise of many others, has enjoyed supporting others and hopes to further strengthen relationships.

This website is designed as a meeting places for entrepreneurs, small businesses and anyone with an interest in finance. Discussion, collaboration, exchange of ideas and mutual support are a recipe for success and Oliver strongly believes that small businesses can join and create a powerful financial presence and voice.

One self-starter or one tiny company cannot shout loud, influence or exert power, but a community of entrepreneurs and small businesses can certainly change the landscape of local and world finance. Rather than be blinded by the power of big business, small companies can gather and be vibrant and strong together.