
5 Creative Ways To Improve Your Real Estate Newsletter

A newsletter is an important way to stay connected to your real estate business partners, buyers, sellers and would-be partners. An effective newsletter shares information and inspires action. A poorly written or boring newsletter will quickly be sent to the trash folder. Explore these five creative ways to use real estate marketing templates and other tools to craft a message worth reading.

1. Write About Something Worthwhile

Before writing, consider who is reading your newsletter and if it’s something they are likely to care about. If you’re using this as a real estate lead generation tactic, think about the message you’re trying to communicate. A valuable message includes relevant news, interesting snippets or promotional discounts. Some realtors choose to send out a single letter to everyone, while others tailor newsletters to buyers, sellers and partners. Either way, think about what your audience is expecting and deliver it.

If you’re sending your email to buyers, add relevant information about moving to and exploring a local neighborhood. Sellers love tips on how to make their home ready to sell. DIY home value tips, interior design trends and other features are helpful for individuals looking to sell quickly. One of the top tips to give would be to not dismiss working on the exterior of the house before a sale. This is because you want the curb appeal to be immediately apparent, even if it’s just a simple bit of lawn maintenance using professional services like those of trugreen to do it – everything helps.

For business partners and other realtors, show off your industry knowledge. Share recent market trends, buying habits and information about up-and-coming neighborhoods in our area. These helpful facts, figures and opinions can assist you in developing crucial business partnerships.

2. Include Personal Information

Motivated buyers may be subscribed to multiple real estate newsletters, so be sure yours is unique. Add a few personal features to make your letter stand out. Don’t forget to include multiple convenient contact options and your area of real estate expertise. A photo and a brief description of your hobbies, interests, or family can help make a personal connection with your buyers and sellers. You could also implement a real estate texting service to connect with potential clients and be able to assist them when needed.

3. Save Your Best for the P.S.

One secret you may find on newsletter real estate templates is a features post-script. A P.S. at the end of an email is one of the most memorable aspects for many readers, so use it wisely.

Add a call-to-action or reminder about a property you want to highlight. This last snippet of the email has a lot of motivational force, so use it wisely.

4. Keep It Short

A lengthy email is typically an unread one. Many of your clients will be reading on a mobile device, so a lengthy letter without headers and with large paragraphs is likely to go unread by most of your readers. Think short, sweet and packed full of relevant information.

One way to help keep your newsletter readable is to use plenty of headers. Headers and subheaders are helpful for separating ideas and making it easy to skim content without missing meaningful information.

5. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

It’s important to have a creative newsletter, but too many realtors spend too much time trying to reinvent the wheel. Check out great real estate brochures and other design templates from an industry-leading design team for inspiration and time-saving techniques. It’s possible to use a template and still create a unique offering for your buyers, sellers and business partners, so set up a template today to save time on your next message.