
3 Types Of Signs That Can Boost The Visibility Of Your Business

How many times have you been driving down the interstate and saw a sign for your favorite restaurant that immediately reminded you how hungry you were? When was the last time you saw a sign pointing you to a local bake sale or war wash? It works well, most of the time.

In the world of business, there are many things that can boost your visibility to the public. One of the easiest ways is through the signage your company produces. Below are a few types you can choose from and how they operate to help your bottom line grow.

Mounted Signs

The first thing that alerts you that have arrived at the place you intended is usually the sign mounted to the front or side of the business. These signs can also be mounted to a display that is closer to the road. Sometimes, as with a shopping center, they may share the spotlight with several other businesses on a comprehensive sign located by the main road.

The first thing this type of sign does for your business is allow your customers the knowledge that they have, indeed, found the place they are looking for. It is your label. The next is that it promotes your business to people passing by without you even having to try.


When driving down the interstate or down a main highway, you are given the privilege of advertising to potential customers with billboards. These are typically much larger signs that give oncoming drivers and their passengers the chance to view your business as they are traveling at higher speeds.

If you are fast food chain, this will often plant the idea in a patron’s head that your restaurant is the place they want to head for lunch. If they are broke down on the side of the road and you happen to be a towing service, a perfectly placed billboard could be just the thing to elicit their business.

Yard Signs

Lastly, you have yard signs. These are typically much smaller and you need quite a few more to cover a large area, but the profit generated from their display should not be underestimated. Yard signs are smaller signs, usually with your logo or company jingle printed on them. They are usually most profitable if placed in residential areas.

There are several places along the main strip of a town, usually at the corner of each intersection or at each stop light or sign, that yard signs are appropriate. This gives you the opportunity to advertise to potential customers while they are detained at the light.

Signs are awesome advertising tools and, more often than not, the cheaper way to persuade patrons to choose your business over another.